
很早以前就知道有这本书了,一直没有机会找来看,当然这只能说明自己比较懒,现在终于有了空闲和心情,遂找来看看,The Practice of Programming,中文译名为《程序设计实践》,在这里,记录下自己看这本书,以及一些心得体会。

This book is about the practice of programming – how to write programs for real.



There is more to writing a program than getting the syntax right, fixing the bugs, and making it run fast enough.



The principles of programming style are based on common sense guided by experience, not on arbitrary rules and prescriptions. Code should be clear and simple – straightforward logic, natural expression, conventional language use, meaningful names, neat formatting, helpful comments – and it should avoid clever tricks and unusual constructions. Consistency is important because others will find it easier to read your code, and you theirs, if you all stick to the same style.

  • straightforward logic – 如何将自己的思想用代码有条理地表述出来,这是我们的第一步要求,这里有一个特别重要的是,一定不要在早期就陷入细节之中,不要在刚开始着手时就想着能够写出很好很优秀的代码,因为后期我们需要重新来进行修改;就如同写文字一样,初稿只要能够清晰地将自己的思想给表述出来,让我们自己能够明白接下来准备做的是什么,如何做,我们可以使用一个抽象的思想,并不是要马上就能写出一个实际可以运行的程序,而是应该能够说清楚一件事。

  • natural expression,conventional language use – 常用的表达式和常见用法,不使用花里胡哨的技巧,这样只是使得代码不好阅读和理解,当然这个也有“例外”,在The C Programming Language这本口碑很好的书里面随处可见i++的使用,这反而增强了程序的表达能力,减少了代码行数。(这本书,我只是粗略的翻过一些,没有很系统的学习C语言,一定得找个机会看看,之后再做评价。)

  • meaningful names – 有一个好的名字很重要,这需要有很强的功力,这篇微信推送给出来很好的解释。

  • neat formatting – 格式要清晰,不能让自己在编写完之后都不想第二次打开,自己要有一个特有的风格,但在团队合作时,要有一致的规范。

  • helpful comments – 注释不仅是给自己看的,更是方便别人来阅读你的代码,所以要遵循一定的社区规范,要写一些有意义的注释。

命名 Names

“What’s in a name?” 一个变量的名称标识着一个对象,一个函数的名称是对其所能执行操作的一个表示,因此,命名应该富含信息、表述清晰、容易记忆,可能的话,应该能够发出音来。

  1. 全局变量采用描述性的名字,局部变量采用短名字( Use descriptive names for globals, short names for locals



    naming conventions and local customs

    • using names that begin or end with p for pointers;
    • initial captital letters for Globals;
    • all captital for CONSTANTS.

    Programmers are often encouraged to use long variable names regardless of context. That is a mistake: clarity(清晰) is often achieved through brevity(简洁).

  2. 保持一致性( Be consistent

    Give related things related names that show their relationship and highlight their difference.

    class UserQueue {
        int noOfItemsInQ, frontOfTheQueue, queueCapacity;
        public int noOfUsersInQueue() {...}


    class UserQueue {
        int nitems, front, capacity;
        public int nusers() {...}


  3. 函数名采用动作性的名字( Use active names for functions


  4. 保持准确( Be accurate

表达式和语句 Expressions and Statements

  1. 缩进显示(Indent to show structure


  2. 采用表达式的正常写法(Use the natural form for expressions


    if (!(block_id < actblks) || !(block_id >= unblocks)) {...}


    if ((block_id >= actblks) || (block_id < unblocks)) {...}
  3. 采用括号排除二义性(Parenthesize to resolve ambiguity

    Parenthesizes specify grouping and can be used to make the intent clear even when they are not required.

  4. 拆分复杂的表达式(Break up complex expressions

  5. 要清晰明了(Be clear


    subkey = subkey >> (bitoff - ((bitoff >> 3) << 3));


    subkey >>= bitoff & 0x7;
  6. 当心副作用(Be careful with side effects

    Operators like ++ have side effects: besides returning a value, they also modify an underlying variable. Side effects can be extremely convenient, but they can also cause trouble because the actions of retrieving the value and updating the variable might not happen at the same time. In C and C++, the order of execution of side effects is undefined, so this multiple assignment is likely to produce the wrong answer.


    array[i++] = i;



    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
        int array[10];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            array[i] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 10; ) {
            array[i++] = i;
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            printf("%d\t", array[i]);
        return 0;


    系统:OS X EI Capitan,版本 10.11.6

    gcc –version: Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31)

    使用gcc hello.c -o hello编译的结果是给了一个warning: unsequenced modification and access to 'i',运行结果如下:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,运行结果正确。因此推断array[i++] = i;的处理是array[i] = i; i++;

    It’s not just increments and decrements that have side effects; I/O is another source of behind-the-scenes action.

    scanf("%d %d", &yr, &profit[yr]);

    以上代码段,前一部分是接受标准输入给yr赋值,后一部分是使用这个得到的值访问数组,给数组的某个元素赋值。“all the arguments to scanf are evaluated before the routine is called, so &profit[yr] will always be evaluated using the old value of yr.”因此我们将这个语句拆分开:

    scanf("%d", &yr);
    scanf("%d", &profit[yr]);

一致性和惯用写法 Consistency and Idioms


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